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Книги по игровому движку Unity на русском и английском

Запись от 8Observer8 размещена 17.05.2016 в 23:03
Обновил(-а) 8Observer8 08.07.2018 в 10:28

В этой теме будут ссылки на книги по Unity, которые вышли в переводе и на английском.


  1. Unity в действии. Мультиплатформенная разработка на C# -> купить на ozon -> скачать исходники
  2. Основы анимации в Unity -> купить на ozon -> описание -> скачать исходники
  3. Искусство создания сценариев в Unity -> купить на dmkpress -> описание -> скачать исходники
  4. Шаблоны игрового программирования - Robert Nystrom -> читать онлайн -> скачать исходники
  5. Шейдеры и эффекты в Unity. Книга рецептов -> купить на ozon -> описание -> скачать исходники

Оригиналы переводов:
  1. 2015 - 06 - Unity in Activity Multiplatform Game Development in C# with Unity 5 - Joe Hocking -> description and source lawmaking
  2. 2015 - 06 - Animation Essentials - Alan Thorn -> description -> source lawmaking
  3. 2015 - 02 - Mastering Unity Scripting - Alan Thorn -> clarification -> source code
  4. 2014 - eleven - Game Programming Patterns - Robert Nystrom -> amazon link -> read online -> source code
  5. 2013 - 06 - Unity Shaders and Effects Cookbook - Kenneth Lammers -> description -> source code

Ожидаемые книги на английском:
  1. None

Список всех вышедших книг на английском в обратном хронологическом порядке (год - месяц - название - автор -> описание -> исходники к книге)
  1. 2018 - 01 - Unity 2017 Game Development Essentials - tertiary Edition - Tommaso Lintrami
    • link to packtpub clarification
  2. 2017 - 09 - Mobile Game Development with Unity - Jon Manning, Paris Buttfield-Addison
    • link to amazon description
  3. 2017 - 06 - Game Audio Evolution with Unity 5.X - Micheal Lanham
    • link to packtpub description
    • download source code
  4. 2017 - 05 - Mastering Android Game Development with Unity - Due south. Shekar, Due west. Karim
    • link to packtpub description
    • download source code
  5. 2017 - 01 - Mastering Unity v.x - Alan Thorn -> clarification -> source code
  6. 2016 - 11 - Gamification with Unity 5.Ten - Lauren S. Ferro -> clarification -> source code
  7. 2016 - 11 - Getting started with Unity 2d Game Evolution - 2nd Edition - Francesco Sapio -> clarification -> source lawmaking
  8. 2016 - 11 - Mastering Oculus Rift Development - Jack Donovan -> description -> source lawmaking
  9. 2016 - 10 - Mastering Unity 2D Game Development - Second Edition - Ashley Godbold -> clarification -> source code
  10. 2016 - 10 - Building an RPG with Unity 5.x - Vahé Karamian -> clarification -> source code
  11. 2016 - 09 - Mastering Unity Shaders and Effects - Jamie Dean -> description -> source lawmaking
  12. 2016 - 09 - Unity v.x 2d Game Development Blueprints - Francesco Sapio, Abdelrahman Saher -> description -> source code
  13. 2016 - 08 - Unity 5 Learning C# by Developing Games - 1000. Lukosek, J. Doran, C. ****inson -> description -> source code
  14. 2016 - 06 - Unity 3D and PlayMaker Essentials: Game Development from Concept to Publishing - Jere Miles -> description
  15. 2016 - 06 - No-Code Video Game Development Using Unity and Playmaker - Michael Kelley -> clarification
  16. 2016 - 05 - Game Development With Unity: Questions and Answers - George A Duckett -> description
  17. 2016 - 05 - Unity two.5D Aircraft Fighting Game Blueprint - Peter Day -> description
  18. 2016 - 05 - Unity 5.x Animation Cookbook - Maciej Szcześnik -> description -> source code
  19. 2016 - 05 - Unity 5.x Game Development Blueprints - John P. Doran -> description -> source code
  20. 2016 - 04 - Unity 5 From Zilch to Proficiency (Intermediate) - Patrick Felicia -> clarification
  21. 2016 - 03 - Unity five.x Game AI Programming Cookbook -> description -> source code
  22. 2016 - 03 - Unity 5.10 By Instance - Alan Thorn -> description -> source lawmaking
  23. 2016 - 03 - Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 5.x - Second Edition -> description -> source code
  24. 2016 - 02 - Unity.5.x Shaders and Furnishings Cookbook - Alan Zucconi, Kenneth Lammers -> clarification -> source lawmaking
  25. 2016 - 01 - Procedural Content Generation for Unity Game Evolution - Ryan Watkins -> description -> source lawmaking
  26. 2016 - 01 - Introduction to Game Programming Using C# and Unity 3D - Vahe Karamian -> description
  27. 2015 - 12 - Unity UI Cookbook - Francesco Sapio -> clarification -> source code
  28. 2015 - 12 - Unity 5 From Zero to Proficiency (Beginner) - Patrick Felicia -> amazon link
  29. 2015 - 12 - Unity 5 Coroutines Beginner - Lucas Faustino -> amazon link
  30. 2015 - eleven - Unity Game Development in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself - Ben Tristem, Mike Geig -> amazon link
  31. 2015 - 11 - Unity 5 Game Optimization - Chris ****inson -> description -> source lawmaking
  32. 2015 - 11 - Edifice a Game with Unity and Blender -> description -> source code
  33. 2015 - x - Unity 5.ten Cookbook - Matt Smith, Chico Queiroz -> clarification -> source code
  34. 2015 - ten - Unity 5 Writing Cleaner Code Beginner - Lucas Faustino -> amazon link
  35. 2015 - 10 - Unity five From Naught to Proficiency (Foundations) - Patrick Felicia -> amazon link
  36. 2015 - 10 - Building an FPS Game with Unity - John P. Doran -> description -> source code
  37. 2015 - 09 - Unity Character Blitheness with Mecanim - Jamie Dean -> description -> description -> source code
  38. 2015 - 09 - Unity Virtual Reality Projects - Jonathan Linowes -> clarification -> source code
  39. 2015 - 09 - Unity AI Game Programming - Second Edition - Ray Barrera -> clarification -> source lawmaking
  40. 2015 - 09 - Oculus Rift in Action - BinanGotit -> description -> source lawmaking
  41. 2015 - 09 - Learning Unity iOS Game Development - Kyle Langley -> description -> source code
  42. 2015 - 09 - Extending Unity with Editor Scripting - Angelo Tadres -> description -> source code
  43. 2015 - 08 - Unity five for Android Essentials - Valera Cogut -> description -> source code
  44. 2015 - 06 - Unity in Activity Multiplatform Game Development in C# with Unity 5 - Joe Hocking -> description and source code
  45. 2015 - 06 - Edifice Levels in Unity - Volodymyr Gerasimov -> clarification -> source lawmaking
  46. 2015 - 06 - Animation Essentials - Alan Thorn -> description -> source code
  47. 2015 - 05 - Getting Started with Unity v - Dr Edward Lavieri -> description -> source code
  48. 2015 - 04 - Learning Unity Android Game Development - Finnegan -> description -> source code
  49. 2015 - 02 - Unity 2D Game Evolution Cookbook - Claudio Scolastici -> clarification -> source code
  50. 2015 - 02 - Mastering Unity Scripting - Alan Thorn -> clarification -> source code
  51. 2015 - 01 - Unity 3D UI Essentials - Simon Jackson -> description -> source code
  52. 2014 - 12 - Unity Game Evolution Scripting - Kyle D'Aoust -> description -> source code
  53. 2014 - 12 - Unity AI Programming Essentials - Curtis Bennett, Dan Violet Sagmiller -> description -> source code
  54. 2014 - xi - Game Programming Patterns - Robert Nystrom -> amazon link -> read online
  55. 2014 - xi - Unity Game Development Blueprints - John P. Doran -> description -> source code
  56. 2014 - 10 - Learning Unity Physics - K. Aava Rani -> description
  57. 2014 - 09 - Learning C Sharp Programming With Unity 3D - Alex Okita -> description and source code
  58. 2014 - 09 - First 3D Game Evolution with Unity 4 - Sue Blackman -> clarification and source code
  59. 2014 - 08 - Mastering Unity 2D Game Development - Simon Jackson -> description -> source code
  60. 2014 - 08 - Learning Unity second Game Development by Example - Venita Pereira -> clarification -> source code
  61. 2014 - 07 - Introduction To Game Pattern, Prototyping, And Development -> link to amazon
  62. 2014 - 07 - Unity 4 Game Development HOTSHOT - Jate Wittayabundit -> description -> source code
  63. 2014 - 06 - C# Game Programming Cookbook for Unity 3D - Jeff Murray -> description and source code
  64. 2014 - 05 - Pro Unity Game Evolution with C# - Alan Thorn -> description and description and source code
  65. 2014 - 03 - Unity second Game Development - Dave Calabrese -> description -> source code
  66. 2014 - 03 - Creating E-Learning Games with Unity - David Horachek -> description -> source code

Адаптация книги Game Programming Patterns на Unity C#: Game programming patterns in Unity with C#


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